Joy In the Music
What a start I had to my day, Mikey. I was up just after six a.m. and was minding my own business, waiting for the heater to erase the cold, sipping my coffee – the new brand I found. The blinds were all open, of course, as I watched for the dawn to illuminate the whispers of fog on the peaceful water of the lake beyond.
Music. Ah, music. For it is one of those mornings where the music must flow. As I write those words, I chuckle a bit at the thought and knowledge of where the music can lead. You know all too well the power of music.
Music reveals paths that meander with unpredictable routes that too often lead to dark and distant ports of call. But surely not this morning. Surely not as the sun is rising for those dangerous destinations usually come with the dark, with the gloom of night and, in the past, sometimes fueled with alcohol, which I long ago learned is far too dangerous for me. A fuel that threatens to allow the music to take me and keep me not just for that night but into the night never-ending.
Let’s push those thoughts away and fall into the music. Find new voices that may lead to new places. Maybe a voice that brings joy like this sun now rising and spreading gold across the trees beyond the water.
Sure. That could happen. I could find joy . . .
And I should end with a sardonic chuckle here.